Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Chess made by Aliens!

Not only are there aliens out there, but they invented games too! The former president of Russian republic of Kalmykia claims that he was abducted by aliens and told him they invented chess.

"It was not in our Russian space vehicles, but with aliens. They came in a flying saucer, picked me up, and I spent a whole day in outer space."
"My theory is that chess comes from space. Because it's the same rules -- 64 squares, black and white, and the same rules in Japan, in China, in Qatar, in Mongolia, in Africa -- the rules are the same. Why? I think maybe it is from space."- Kirsan Ilyumzhinov claims. 
 They spent the day together and then he came to this bizarre conclusion. Now this isn't Ilyumzhinov's first reaction to aliens, this guy used to run around in yellow space suits! He claims that's because of the "Russian Space Projects", but who really knows. 

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